Tyler and Julianna on her big day |
It's only February but it's been an extremely mild winter. Sure glad we didn't go to Florida, no need.
Bobby and I went to our granddaughter's fifth birthday party. What a little doll. It was wonderful to see all the family.
We are having a big camping weekend here at the farm in June. Seems like a good time to tie the knot. Hope people don't go nuts as we are in our seventies and want to keep it simple. Is that possible?
We took a drive along the coast of Maine yesterday to deliver a stove we sold on Craigslist. Sure wish I had taken my camera. We saw some beautiful little fishing villages and had lunch in a cafe near a dance hall where Bobby danced the night away some sixty years ago.
Saw some old friends while we were in Concord. Remember when we were in school and we used to sing "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, the other gold." Good thing to remember.